How To Place Order

How To Place Your Order on Hubaya Store

Placing order on hubaya is as simple as moving your finger tips.

1. Choosing the product you want to buy

Visit Hubaya Store and go through the homepage to select the product of your choice by picking from the homepage, using the search bar on the “footer” or “menu” to search for a product or by visiting our shop page that is available on the menu.

The navigation menu is the one highlighted with blue on the left while the one on the right is the displayed result from tapping on the menu. The search bar is highlighted in blue while the shop page is highlighted in red.
This is the search bar on the footer and it is available just at the lowest down on all pages. It is very good for searching products and also you can search for product prices as well, incase you’ve forgotten the name of the products you want but remember the price.

2. Adding your products to cart/wishlist

The wishlist is a list where you can add all the products you wish to buy but you are not yet ready to buy at the moment. The wishlist will be always there for you to serve as a memory so that you won’t forget what you wished for on Hubaya Store. When you are ready to move them into cart and proceed to checkout to place your order. You can always access the wishlist from the menu.

The “Add to wishlist” is available on every product page. It can be used to add products to wishlist. After adding to wishlist, you can always visit your wishlist by accessing the menu and clicking/tapping on wishlist.

The cart is like a shopping basket where you put all you want to buy before proceeding to pay for what you’ve picked to buy. The cart button is available after you’ve just added a product to the “cart” and also on the “Top menu bar“.

Before you can add any product having attributes to cart you will have to pick an option from all attributes under the product.

After selecting an option under all attributes (the attributes in the products used here are “color” and “size“), you can now add your product to cart. Always remember to check on the displayed image after selecting options under attributes so as to see what you’re buying. And also you can input the quantity of the selected product needed eg 1, 2, 3 etc.

Attributes are sizes, color, types, designs etc. Please make sure you check the displayed image after selecting options under all attributes so as to see what you’ve selected to order.

This is an example of attributes here, there are two attributes “color, size” with options like “Black, Blue etc” and “L, 1XL etc”. The selected options here are “Black” and “3XL“.

3. Proceeding to cart to checkout

After visiting your cart page, it should look like this, where you can also input your preferred quantity to buy and also apply coupon code if you have any. Don’t forget to update your cart after making any changes to you product. Then scroll dow to “Proceed to checkout“.

4. Filling information on the checkout page

After proceeding to checkout, this is the next page that should be displayed to you. In here, you will have to fill out all the required informations to be used to deliver your purchased items to you. The fields with the red asterisk are the required filleds and must be filled. If you are a returning customer, you just need to login, right on the page and all the informations will be automatically filled.
After filling up the required fields, you can click/tap on the “Create An Account?” option to be registered on hubaya store as a customer

When your are registered as a customer on Hubaya Store, all your orders, wishlist, cart and everything will be recorded for you on the store and also you won’t need to fillout the checkout form again even if you are using someone else’s device to purchase on Hubaya Store, this will save you from typing stress and also save time.

If you are purchasing on Hubaya Store for someone important or dear to you, you can use “Ship to a different location” option. This option can be used for a surprises, birthday gifts and so on and the items purchased will be delivered to the address provided and to be received by your loved ones.

The “Order Notes” is a blank field left for you to include all the information you will like us to include in your order, it can be about the address provided, about a product or products, about the one to receive the items ordered, about how you want it to be delivered and any other information of your choice. Feel free to add anything of your choice.

Before proceeding to “Place order“, make sure you check all what you are ordering to avoid any mistake.
Select your preferred payment method, here we are using “Hubaya Pay” Trusted by Flutterwave as example. Do not forget to click/tap on the “I Have Read And Agree To The Website Terms And Conditions“. Proceed to “place order“.

5. Making payment

After clicking/tapping in “Place order“, this will be the page displayed to you. Here you can “Cancel order & restore cart” or “Make Payment“. Click/Tap on “Make Payment” to proceed.
After clicking/tapping on “Make Payment” you will be brought to this page to make your payment using your ATM card. The colored highlights shows you the mapping on how to fill out the required information from your ATM card. Tick the remember “Remember this card next time” option to save you from the stress of filling it again for another purchase on Hubaya Store and in case you are not with your ATM card.

Click/Tap on “Pay” to proceed with your payment. You will be asked to input your ATM pin to proceed. Lastly an OTP (one time password) will be sent to your sim card that is registered with the bank, input the OTP and your done completing your order. All you have to do is wait for your order to be delivered at your door steps as fast as possible.

6. Different payment methods

In case you don’t have/own a card or you dont want to pay with a card, do not worry, we’ve got you covered with lots of other ways to make a payment. All you have to do is click/tap on the “Change payment method” option and you will be redirected to other payment options where you will get to choose your preferred methods.
As you can see, we have lots of payment methods under our first payment gateway as well as under the second gateway. All you have to do is choose your preferred method and proceed.
Choosing pyment using Bank Transfer, the gateway will automatically generate bank details where you will make your transfer. Please make sure you you make the transfer correctly with the correct amount to avoid issues. After making the transfer click/tap on “I have made this bank transfer” to confirm your payment.

After completing your payment, relax and just wait while your order is being delivered to your doorstep.

Thank you for going through the tutorial on how to complete an order. And also we hope it will help and be of use. Please for any problem, issue or information do not hesitate to contact us. we are here for you 24/7. Because Your Satisfaction, Our Pride.

You can also contact us on Whatsapp.

We understand “English“, “Hausa” and “Yoruba” languages.